At Resolven Miners’ Welfare, we rely on volunteers for a number of projects, and during the past year, our volunteers have been a life line for the continued running and development of the Resolven Miners’ Welfare building!

We are so proud to have such caring, reliable and professional volunteers aiding the work of the charity. From dressing up as the Easter Bunny for the children of the community to sponsored walks that raised money for the British Legion Poppy appeal. We are also very blessed with the hard working volunteers that have helped refurbish our main hall, help us meet COVID restrictions/guidelines and those who have litrally embedded their blood, sweat and tears in our new venture that will be announced VERY SOON!

So it’s very fitting that during National Volunteers’ Week 2021 we acknowledge every single person who has helped our cause over the years!

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Without you, we would not be able to continue our charity work and develop plans for additional services and facilities, not forgetting the monumental task of the restoration of the building.